I Miss Writing, But Not Sure Where to Start From…

Well, I think the title of this post already explains what I want to say *cough* *cough*. I wonder how many people out there who have similar situation like me. I believe there are lots of people who like to write or at least excited to write something, but in reality, they don’t necessarily write something “good enough”. Or worse, they do not write anything at all. I can say I am one of those people, and though I hate myself so much because of it, it still often happens.

I think for my case, the major root cause is my laziness and my habit to procrastinate things. Unfortunately it happens not only on writing, but also other aspects of my life. Time Management has become a major issue for me, and I am still working on it. Hopefully I can find the ultimate solution as soon as possible because I am not sure I can keep up with all the pending items in my life. Ugh.

Anyway, back to writing! Soooo, actually I have been wanting to write some short stories, a novella and a draft of personal experience book. So much for a plan, eh? In reality, I haven’t started writing anything since the idea popped up several months ago (about three months ago, I guess?). Just today I started to write an outline for my book. This is the first time I feel the confidence and excitement to write my own book. My target is to have the draft ready by early next year, because I will also include my teaching experience in the book. Wish me luck! 🙂

Imaginary reader: Wait. You know what you want to write, so why bother to make this post then?

Well…because I need to start writing something to motivate me more and build the momentum. Writing in a blog or blogging is the best way for me to start it, since I can write (almost) everything here. Besides, I really was confused on where to start (writing). Starting with a book outline came out as the best choice since I pretty much know the main topic that I want to write. Finding ideas for short stories and novella is way much harder compared to it.

Imaginary reader: Alright, alright. So when can you share your writing?

Soon enough, I hope! For now, cheer for me, please 🙂

“Ah yes, this is a purrr-fect story of mine!”

4 thoughts on “I Miss Writing, But Not Sure Where to Start From…

  1. Chayo mbe!
    Aku pernah ikut workshop nulis, dan salah satu cara bikin novel adalah bikin outline. Jadi bikin outline plot dari awal sampe akhir, baru nulis draft lengkap. Dengan begitu, kalau lagi males bisa istirahat bentar terus lanjut nulis udah gak bingung nulis apa.

    Ditunggu bukunya 🙂

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